Monday, October 19, 2015

So much is happening!!

The past few weeks have just been whizzing by. I am always surprised when we get to the end of another week. I'm not sure where the time goes.

Our class has been working with our 5/6th grade buddies to put together a Halloween assembly. On Friday, October 30th at 7:50, we will be presenting to the school. The second graders are researching Halloween safety and will be sharing what they have learned with the school. We are also learning a Halloween poem to perform and we will help lead a Halloween sing-a-long. If you are available, you are welcome to come watch.

Although, the beginning of the year has included a lot of traveling around the school, we have also been learning about Washington D.C. Our focus has been on many of the monuments and memorials there. We studied George Washington and the Washington Memorial, Abraham Lincoln and the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. Students are now working in small groups to research these and other monuments. The groups will work together to produce a digital presentation using the iPad app. Book Creator.  My hope is that I will be able to share the finished products at conferences next month. Not all of the groups have started their research, but check with your child to see what they might be working on.

In math, we have start a unit on place value. The children are learning to count by 1s, 10s, and 100s up to 1, 000.  We will be focusing on writing three-digit numbers in unit, standard, expanded and word forms. A strong understanding of place value concepts is essential for students to be successful with future math concepts. If you ever have questions about math homework or would like additional activities to do with your child, please feel free to contact me. There are lots of games and simple activities you can do to reinforce what we are doing in class.

Here we are counting a large number of craft sticks by bundling the sticks into groups of tens and hundreds. The kids loved it. What a great way to start this unit on place value!

                                                         We ended up with 1,135 sticks!

In spelling, we are beginning a new unit. Please see the letter about math I have put in your child's home folder. Practicing Trick Words is a great way to help support what we are doing in class.

Finally, it looks like snow is here! When there is snow on the ground your child will need to have all their snow gear with them at school. In order for your child to participate in recess comfortably and safely, boots, snowpants, hat, jacket and gloves are important. If you are anything like my family, I know many of you may not have things that fit your child yet for this season, but as soon as you do make sure to send them in with your child everyday. Here are a pictures from recess today!

Have a great week!

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