Friday, December 11, 2015

Look what we've been doing...

I'm not sure how it has gotten to be December 11th already, but time is just flying by! Our class has been hoping and wishing for snow to fall, so we are doing tons of winter related activities. We've been reading lots of great winter books, making snowflakes, writing about what it would be like to be trapped in a snow globe, making snowmen and much more. 

We have also been learning all about science writing and designing experiments as we learn about force and motion. Check out some of the ramps the kids built to test out how far their toy cars will go on different surfaces. 

Currently the kids have built catapults and are testing out which objects fly farther than others. 

Yesterday we spent time building and exploring with our buddies. 

Today a group of third and fourth graders shared their Reader's Theater skit with our class. 

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse of just a few things that are happening in second grade! 

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